Songs & Music Games
from Around the World
Bonnie Lockhart is a Northern California singer, songwriter, educator, and children’s performer who brings a love of diverse folk traditions to her forty-year practice of participatory, community-building music. She is an award-winning recording artist and activist who believes in the transformative power of music in the lives of children, adults, and communities.
Shows for Children & Families
Bonnie offers sing-along, move-along musical shows for children and families. With a repertoire rich in cultural diversity, Bonnie brings her ever-changing show, Songs & Music Games from Around the World, to libraries and schools, fairs and festivals, parks and camps, and wherever children are gathered for fun and learning. Through decades of performing, she has developed numerous programs connecting to curriculum and seasonal themes.

Workshops for Teachers & Caregivers
Bonnie gives workshops and classes for teachers and caregivers at conferences, retreats, and in-service trainings. Wedding her life-long love of participatory, community-building song with her background in early childhood education, Bonnie engages educators in the joys of participatory music while exploring the developmental benefits of singing and dancing together.
Marin County Library
I love her.
San Francisco Public Library